65 research outputs found

    Learning Gaussian graphical models with fractional marginal pseudo-likelihood

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    We propose a Bayesian approximate inference method for learning the dependence structure of a Gaussian graphical model. Using pseudo-likelihood, we derive an analytical expression to approximate the marginal likelihood for an arbitrary graph structure without invoking any assumptions about decomposability. The majority of the existing methods for learning Gaussian graphical models are either restricted to decomposable graphs or require specification of a tuning parameter that may have a substantial impact on learned structures. By combining a simple sparsity inducing prior for the graph structures with a default reference prior for the model parameters, we obtain a fast and easily applicable scoring function that works well for even high-dimensional data. We demonstrate the favourable performance of our approach by large-scale comparisons against the leading methods for learning non-decomposable Gaussian graphical models. A theoretical justification for our method is provided by showing that it yields a consistent estimator of the graph structure. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Yritystuet ja poliittinen päätöksenteko

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    Arvio Sote-uudistuksesta ja Sote-rahoituksen tarvevakioinnista

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    Maatalouden monivaikutteisten kosteikkojen suunnittelu ja mitoitus

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    Kosteikkojen määrän odotetaan kasvavan maatalouden vesiensuojelun menetelmänä merkittävästi lähivuosina. Tähän tarpeeseen koottiin viimeisin tutkimus- ja kokemuspohjainen tieto uusiksi suunnittelu- ja mitoitusohjeistoiksi. Hankkeen tavoitteena oli i) luoda kosteikkojen alueellista ja paikallista yleissuunnittelua koskevat periaatteet ja kriteerit sekä ii) laatia monivaikutteisten vesiensuojelukosteikkojen tavoitteisiin perustuva suunnittelu- ja mitoitusohjeisto käytännön suunnittelijoille. Tässä julkaisussa esitetään rakennettujen kosteikkojen ratkaisuja ja niiden rakenteellisia yksityiskohtia, käydään läpi suunnittelun ja mitoituksen keskeiset periaatteet, käsitellään kenttätutkimusta ja suunnittelussa tarvittavia taustatietoja sekä arvioidaan kosteikkojen avulla saatavia ympäristö- ja muita hyötyjä. Kosteikkojen puhdistusmekanismeja ja niiden vaikutuksia esitetään suunnittelun ja mitoituksen taustatiedoiksi. Julkaisussa käsitellään pelkästään maatalouden monivaikutteisia kosteikoita, joissa vesiensuojelutavoitteet yhdistetään useisiin muihin tavoitteisiin, kuten esim. luonnon monimuotoisuuden lisääntyminen, tulvien hallinta, virkistyskäyttö ja metsästys. Hanke oli MMM:n rahoittama ja toteutettiin yhteistyössä Lounais-Suomen ympäristökeskuksen (LOS) kanssa.Yleissuunnittelua koskevasta ohjeistosta vastasi LOS ja tästä julkaisusta Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE)

    Pairwise association of key lifestyle factors and risk of colorectal cancer : a prospective pooled multicohort study

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    Background Several lifestyle factors are associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). Although lifestyle factors co-occur, in most previous studies these factors have been studied focusing upon a single risk factor or assuming independent effects between risk factors. Aim To examine the pairwise effects and interactions of smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, and body mass index (BMI) with risk of subsequent colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods and results We used METCA cohort data (pooled data from seven population-based Finnish health behavior survey studies during years 1972-2015) consisting of 171 063 women and men. Participants' smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and BMI measures were gathered, and participants were categorized into those exposed and those not exposed. The incidence of CRC was modeled by Poisson regression with main and interaction effects of key lifestyle factors. The cohort members were followed-up through register linkage to the Finnish Cancer Registry for first primary CRC case until the end of 2015. Follow-up time was 1715, 690 person years. The highest pairwise CRC risk was among male smokers who had overweight (BMI >= 25 kg/m(2)) (HR 1.75, 95% CI 1.36-2.26) and women who had overweight and consumed alcohol (HR 1.45, 95% CI 1.14-1.85). Overall, among men the association of lifestyle factors and CRC risk was stronger than among women. In men, both having overweight and being a smoker combined with any other adverse lifestyle factor increased CRC risk. Among women, elevated CRC risks were observed for those who were physically inactive and who consumed alcohol or had overweight. No statistically significant interactions were detected between pairs of lifestyle factors. Conclusions This study strengthens the evidence of overweight, smoking, and alcohol consumption as CRC risk factors. Substantial protective benefits in CRC risk can be achieved by preventing smoking, maintaining BMI toPeer reviewe

    Direct observation of structurally encoded metal discrimination and ether bond formation in a heterodinuclear metalloprotein

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    Although metallocofactors are ubiquitous in enzyme catalysis, how metal binding specificity arises remains poorly understood, especially in the case of metals with similar primary ligand preferences such as manganese and iron. The biochemical selection of manganese over iron presents a particularly intricate problem because manganese is generally present in cells at a lower concentration than iron, while also having a lower predicted complex stability according to the Irving–Williams series (MnII ZnII). Here we show that a heterodinuclear Mn/Fe cofactor with the same primary protein ligands in both metal sites self-assembles from MnII and FeII in vitro, thus diverging from the Irving–Williams series without requiring auxiliary factors such as metallochaperones. Crystallographic, spectroscopic, and computational data demonstrate that one of the two metal sites preferentially binds FeII over MnII as expected, whereas the other site is nonspecific, binding equal amounts of both metals in the absence of oxygen. Oxygen exposure results in further accumulation of the Mn/Fe cofactor, indicating that cofactor assembly is at least a two-step process governed by both the intrinsic metal specificity of the protein scaffold and additional effects exerted during oxygen binding or activation. We further show that the mixed-metal cofactor catalyzes a two-electron oxidation of the protein scaffold, yielding a tyrosine–valine ether cross-link. Theoretical modeling of the reaction by density functional theory suggests a multistep mechanism including a valyl radical intermediate

    Improved Diagnostic Validity of the ADOS Revised Algorithms: A Replication Study in an Independent Sample

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    Recently, Gotham et al. (2007) proposed revised algorithms for the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) with improved diagnostic validity. The aim of the current study was to replicate predictive validity, factor structure, and correlations with age and verbal and nonverbal IQ of the ADOS revised algorithms for Modules 1 and 2 in a large independent Dutch sample (N = 532). Results showed that the improvement of diagnostic validity was most apparent for autism, except in very young or low functioning children. Results for other autism spectrum disorders were less consistent. Overall, these findings support the use of the more homogeneous revised algorithms, with the use of similar items across developmental cells making it easier to compare ADOS scores within and between individuals
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